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Origin:  Derbys, Notts UK


Genres:  Punk-Metal


Years Active:  2016- Present as Twisted Biscuit (since 1995 as other bands..!)


Label:  DIY Records





Ian/Gary Baldy...(Frontman and resident idiot).

Loves crowds and likes the occasional booze-up. Rates Biff Smith from the Varukers/Sick on the Bus as his drinking-hero, so in good company...! 

Officially rated as the World's Most Eligible Old Fart by Twonk Magazine in 2007.

Can't sing, can't dance but what do you want from the world's best front dude?

Steve/Rich Tee... (Guitars and Weird Noises)

Immense guitarist who amazingly, doesn't like the limelight. Can be found mostly hiding behind his speaker-cabs but makes a glorious noise nonetheless.

Likes the odd pint of hang-glider but when we say "odd-pint" we mean ONE. 

Forever buying new guitar-effect pedals as, in his own words, "this one's wank".

Joe/Dai Jestiff... (Bass and Guitars)

Brilliantly talented musician who is responsible for keeping us young. Too good looking for his own good but it's brill to have him with us.

We'll just have to ensure there's no lights on him at gigs.


Simon/Jamie Dodger... (Drums and loud things)

Been around the block but mostly whilst playing alongside Steve and (occasionally) Ian. 

Awesome metal drummer who can play any style as long as it's loud.

A lot better looking in real life...!

Get's through more drumsticks than KFC.

Thanks to Sarah-Lou Photography and Ian Beck for the photos on this site. (Find them both on Facebook)
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